系 所:预防兽医学系
职 称:教授
电子邮箱:[email protected] [email protected]
孔庆科,博士,教授。2004年于南开大学获得微生物学博士学位;2005年到2011年在亚利桑那州立大学从事博士后的研究工作; 2012年到2020年分别在亚利桑那州立大学及佛罗里达大学独立从事科学研究,历任助理研究教授及副研究教授,期间主持3项NIH基金(2项R21及1项R01)。2017年9月作为高端人才入职西南大学动物科技学院; 2012年到2017年在四川农业大学任兼职研究员和四川省青年百人,开展合作研究;2013年至今,共申请获批3项自然科学基金面上项目和3项省部级项目;以第一作者或通讯作者在Vaccine、NPJ Vaccines, Cancer Letters、Theranostics等SCI期刊发表文章40多篇,合作发表10多篇文章;参编国际专著《Mucosal Vaccines》中的一章;获批美国专利(国际专利)2项和中国专利10项;是30多种期刊的论文评审人包括Nature、Nature Communications、PNAS等期刊及美国NIH、芬兰科学基金、南非科学基金、Gates基金、中国自然科学基金,中国博士后基金等多个基金的评审人;美国微生物学会、免疫学会和中国免疫学会等会员。指导博士后3名(目前在站1名),博士研究生5名(在研2名),硕士研究生20多名(在研8名)。主要进行新型疫苗、新型抗体及多糖与宿主相互关系等的基础和应用研究工作。
1994.09-1998.07 山东农业大学,植物保护系,农学学士
1998.09-2001.07 山东农业大学,植物保护系,农学硕士
2001.09-2004.07 南开大学,微生物系,理学博士
2005.08-2009.07 博士后,亚利桑那州立大学生物设计学院
2009.08-2012.01 助理研究员,亚利桑那州立大学生物设计学院
2012.02-2015.07 助理教授(研究),亚利桑那州立大学生物设计学院
2012.03-2015.07 兼职教授,四川农业大学问鼎娱乐下载
2015.08-2019.12 副教授(研究),佛罗里达大学兽医学院
2017.09-2020.07 教授,西南大学动物科技学院
2020.07-至今 教授,问鼎娱乐下载-问鼎app
1. 用于预防感染疾病的新型疫苗开发:重点在重组减毒疫苗及疫苗载体的构建,及各种亚单位疫苗(重组蛋白,重组多糖,外膜蛋白及外膜微囊体)的开发,利用细菌噬菌体衣壳纳米载体和胞内侵染的细菌组合等开发疫苗。
2. 用于肿瘤治疗疫苗的开发:基于沙门氏菌癌症疫苗的构建,主要对沙门菌进行遗传改造,使其能靶向肿瘤组织,激活免疫反应及聚集免疫细胞于肿瘤组织,递送外源药物或药物前体于肿瘤组织深部等应用研究。
3. 抗体开发:诊断抗体,治疗性抗体,研究用抗体等抗体的开发研究,将重点集中在单克隆抗体,纳米抗体,合成抗体等方面。
4. 细菌多糖与宿主互作等基础研究工作:重点在沙门氏菌脂多糖、胞外多糖及酸多糖等多糖从肠道侵染到慢性感染中,与宿主在细胞、亚细胞、分子等层面的相关作用,如何调控宿主的免疫(免疫刺激及免疫抑制等), 进行更优疫苗的构建。
1. R21AI100199, NIH, Remodeling Salmonella outer membrane for vaccine development against enteric bacteria. 07/01/2012-06/30/2015.
2. R21AI098081, NIH, Alteration of lipid A acyl chain length in Salmonella. 08/01/2012-07/30/2015.
1. 自然基金面上项目 (31270981):重塑沙门氏菌脂多糖及外膜蛋白,开发针对肠道致病性细菌的减毒沙门疫苗(2013.01-2016.12).
2. 自然基金面上项目 (31570928):改造沙门菌类脂A结构,开发新型减毒疫苗载体及疫苗佐剂(2016.01-2019.12).
3. 四川省杰出青年科学基金(2014JQ0006):鸭疫里默氏杆菌全局调控基因phoP、crp 及fur 介导的基因调控网络分析及其突变体作为减毒活疫苗的评价(2014.01-2017.12).
1. 重庆市自然科学基金项目:改造鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,开发新型肿瘤治疗疫苗(2018.06-2021.06)
2. 自然基金面上项目(31970874):构建新型鼠伤寒沙门氏菌来源的纳米颗粒疫苗载体(2020.01-2023.12)
3. 重庆市博士后基金(由博士后Dr. Ali主持):基于沙门菌小细胞的肿瘤靶向递送载体构建与评估(2020.07-2022.06)
4. 中国博士后基金(二等)(由博士后Dr. Ali主持):用于肿瘤疫苗载体的新型减毒沙门氏菌的构建和评估(2020.10-2022.10)
1R01AI112680, NIH, Heterologous polysaccharide synthesis in attenuated Salmonella, 08/01/15-01/31/21 (已转给Dr. Curtiss)
Chapter “Attenuated Salmonella for Oral Immunization” in book “Mucosal Vaccines: Innovation for Preventing Diseases”, 2020, Academic Press, 383-399.
1.Huali Su#, Qing Liu#, Shifeng Wang, Roy Curtiss, and Qingke Kong*, Synthesis and delivery of Streptococcus pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides by recombinant attenuated Salmonella vaccines, PNAS, accepted (IF=9.504).
2.Kang Liang, Qing Liu, Qingke Kong*, New technologies in developing recombinant attenuated bacteria for cancer therapy, Biotechnology and bioengineering, online (IF=4.002).
3.Md Kaisar Ali, Qing Liu, Kang Liang and Qingke Kong*, Bacteria Derived Minicells for Cancer Therapy, Cancer letters, online (IF=7.36).
4.Liu Q, Xuegang Shen, Xiaoping Bian, Qingke Kong*, Effect of Deletion of Gene Cluster involved in Synthesis of Enterobacterial Common Antigen on Virulence and Immunogenicity of Live Attenuated Salmonella Vaccine when Delivering Heterologous Streptococcus pneumoniae Antigen PspA, BMC microbiology, 2020, online (IF=3.19).
5.Liu Q, Su H, Wang S, Qingke Kong*, Attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strains delivering Shigella flexneri 2a O-antigen polysaccharide induce robust CD4+ T-cell and humoral immune responses, International journal of medical microbiology, 2020, online (IF=3.113).
6.Haoju Wang, Kang Liang, Qingke Kong, Qing Liu, Immunization with outer membrane vesicles of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli O78 induces protective immunity in chickens, Vet Microbiol, 2019, 236:108367(IF=2.5).
7.Su H, Liu Q, Wang S, Curtiss R, Qingke Kong*, Regulated Delayed Shigella flexneri 2a O-antigen Synthesis in Live Recombinant Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Induces Comparable Levels of Protective Immune Responses with Constitutive Antigen Synthesis, Theranostics, 2019, 9(12):3565-3579 (IF=8.7).
8.Liang K, Liu Q, Qingke Kong*, Genetically engineered Salmonella Typhimurium: recent advances in cancer therapy. Cancer Lett, 2019, 448:168-18 (IF=6.49).
9.Liu Q, Hu Y, Li P, Qingke Kong*, Identification of Fur in Pasteurella multocida and the poteintial of its mutant as an attenuated live vaccine, frontiers in Veterinary science, 2019, online, (IF=2.245).
10.Liu Q, Li P, Luo H, Qingke Kong*, Attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium expressing Salmonella Paratyhphoid A O-antigen induces protetive immune responses against two Salmonella strains, Virulence, 2019,10(1):82-96. (IF=5.23).
11.Liang K, Liu Q, Li P, Han Y, Bian X, Tang Y, Kong Q*, Endostatin gene therapy delivered by attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium in murine tumor models. Cancer Gene Ther, 2018, 25(7-8):167-183, (IF=4.8).
12.Li P, Liu Q, Luo H, Liang K, Han Y, Roland KL, Curtiss R, 3rd, Kong Q*, Bi-valent polysaccharides of Vi capsular and O9 O-antigen in attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium induce strong immune responses against these two antigens. NPJ vaccines 2018, 3:1, (IF=3.8)
13.Han Y, Liu Q, Willias S, Liang K, Li P, Cheng A, Kong Q*, A bivalent vaccine derived from attenuated Salmonella expressing O-antigen polysaccharide provides protection against avian pathogenic Escherichia coli O1 and O2 infection. Vaccine 2018, 36(8):1038-1046, (IF=3.4)
14.Li P, Liu Q, Luo H, Liang K, Yi J, Luo Y, Hu Y, Han Y, Kong Q*, O-Serotype Conversion in Salmonella Typhimurium Induces Protective Immune Responses against Invasive Non-Typhoidal Salmonella Infections. Frontiers in immunology 2017, 8:1647, (IF=6.4)
15.Han Y, Liu Q, Yi J, Liang K, Wei Y, Kong Q*, A biologically conjugated polysaccharide vaccine delivered by attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium provides protection against challenge of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli O1 infection. Pathogens and disease 2017, 75(8) (IF=2.9)
16.Hu B, Lara-Tejero M, Kong Q, Galan JE, Liu J: In Situ Molecular Architecture of the Salmonella Type III Secretion Machine. Cell 2017, 168(6):1065-1074.e1010, (IF=38)
1.Induction of cross-protective immunity by over exposure and expression of cross-protective antigens,Curtiss, R. III, and Q. Kong,US8889121B2,2014-11-18授权
2.Recombinant bacterium capable of eliciting an immune response against Streptococcus pneumoniae,CURTISS III ROY,SANTANDER-MORALES JAVIER,WANDA SOO-YOUNG,WANG SHIFENG,KONG QINGKE, US9050285B2, 2015-06-09授权.
Kong Qingke, PhD, Professor, PhD supervisor.
After Dr. Kong received a doctorate degree from Nankai University in 2004, he worked as a postdoctoral research scientist at Arizona State University from 2005 to 2011, and later he was independently engaged in scientific research as an assistant research professor and associate research professor at Arizona State University and University of Florida, and hosted 3 NIH Funds with a total funding of 2.8 million US dollars during years during 2012 to 2020. Since September 2017, he Joined the School of Animal Science and Technology of Southwest University, and he also worked as a part-time researcher at Sichuan Agricultural University from 2012 to 2017. As the first author or corresponding author, he published 43 articles in SCI journals such as Vaccine, NPJ Vaccines, Cancer Letters, Theranostics, and Veterinary microbiology, etc., and is the reviewer of more than 30 journals and the US NIH, the Finnish Science Foundation, the Gates Fund, and the Natural Science Foundation of China; he served as member of the American Society of Microbiology, the Society of Immunology and the Chinese Society of Immunology. Since 2012, a total of 3 natural science foundation projects and 3 provincial projects have been awarded. He teaches the courses of "Infectious Diseases" and "Advanced Bacterial Genetics" for undergraduate and graduate students.
Main research fields:
1. Development of new vaccines for the prevention of infectious diseases: the research will focus on the construction of recombinant attenuated vaccines and vaccine vectors, and the development of various subunit vaccines (recombinant proteins, recombinant polysaccharides, and OMV), The use of bacteriophage capsid nanocarriers and a combination of intracellular bacteria to develop vaccines.
2. For the development of tumor therapy vaccines: Based on the construction of Salmonella cancer vaccines, Salmonella is mainly genetically modified to target tumor tissues, activate immune responses and gather immune cells in tumor tissues, and deliver foreign drugs or pro-drugs in the deep part of tumor tissues.
3. Antibody development: the work will focus on the development and research of diagnostic antibodies, therapeutic antibodies including monoclonal antibodies, nano antibodies, and synthetic antibodies.
4. Basic research work will focus on the interaction between Salmonella polysaccharides of the lipopolysaccharide, extracellular polysaccharide and colanic acid polysaccharide and host cell (mouse animal model) from the intestinal infection to chronic infection.
Contact Email:[email protected];[email protected].