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方仁东,男,教授,重庆英才青年拔尖人才。现任问鼎娱乐下载-问鼎app 院长,重庆市高校动物病原微生物与免疫创新研究群体负责人,西南大学动物健康与动物性食品安全国际合作联合实验室主任。中国畜牧兽医学会兽医公共卫生学分会常务理事,兽医食品卫生学分会常务理事,重庆微生物学会常务理事,重庆畜牧兽医学会常务理事;国家 “三区”科技人才,重庆市科技特派员。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、参与国家重点研发计划项目2项、主持省部级及其它各类科研项目10余项。以第一/通讯作者在Mucosal Immunology, Veterinary Research,Veterinary Microbiology,Infection & Immunity等SCI 期刊发表研究论文40余篇,在《中国兽医学报》、《微生物学报》等中文核心刊物发表论文10余篇。主持重庆市教委教改项目2项、西南大学本科生教改项目1项,在核心期刊发表教改论文2篇。参编中国农业出版社“十三五”规划教材《兽医公共卫生学》、《动物性食品卫生学》。


2014/03 京都大学(Kyoto University)基础医学院微生物学专业,博士

2008/07 西南大学动物科技学院预防兽医学专业,硕士

2005/07 西南大学动物科技学院动物医学专业,本科


2022/06—至今, 问鼎娱乐下载-问鼎app 院长,教授,博导

2020/07 问鼎娱乐下载-问鼎app 副院长,教授,博导

2019/07 西南大学动物科技学院,教授

2019/03 西南大学动物科技学院副院长

2016/03 西南大学动物科技学院院长助理

2014/04 西南大学动物科技学院,副教授,硕导




  1. Peng, L., et al., Chicken cathelicidin-2 promotes IL-1beta secretion via the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway and serine proteases activity in LPS-primed murine neutrophils. Dev Comp Immunol, 2022. 131: p. 104377.

  2. Wang, Y., et al., The Critical Role of Potassium Efflux and Nek7 in Pasteurella multocida-Induced NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation. Front Microbiol, 2022. 13: p. 849482.

  3. Peng, L., et al., Chicken cathelicidin-2 promotes NLRP3 inflammasome activation in macrophages. Vet Res, 2022. 53(1): p. 69.

  4. Lu, Y., et al., Synergistic Antimicrobial Effect of Antimicrobial Peptides CATH-1, CATH-3, and PMAP-36 With Erythromycin Against Bacterial Pathogens. Front Microbiol, 2022. 13: p. 953720.

  5. Tao, Q., et al., NLRP6 Serves as a Negative Regulator of Neutrophil Recruitment and Function During Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection. Front Microbiol, 2022. 13: p. 898559.

  6. Chen, J., et al., The Roles of c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase (JNK) in Infectious Diseases. Int J Mol Sci, 2021. 22(17).

  7. Hou, F., et al., ATP Facilitates Staphylococcal Enterotoxin O Induced Neutrophil IL-1beta Secretion via NLRP3 Inflammasome Dependent Pathways. Front Immunol, 2021. 12: p. 649235.

  8. Peng, L., et al., Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin 1 Induces Immune Response via the Activation of NLRP3 Inflammasome. Toxins (Basel), 2021. 13(1).

  9. Xu, D., et al., The Critical Role of NLRP6 Inflammasome in Streptococcus pneumoniae Infection In Vitro and In Vivo. Int J Mol Sci, 2021. 22(8).

  10. Ye, C., et al., ATP-dependent activation of NLRP3 inflammasome in primary murine macrophages infected by pseudorabies virus. Vet Microbiol, 2021. 259: p. 109130.

  11. Ye, C., et al., Antimicrobial Resistance and Molecular Characterization of Class 1 Integron in Salmonella Isolates Recovered from Pig Farms in Chongqing, China. Foodborne Pathog Dis, 2021. 18(10): p. 712-717.

  12. Fang, R., et al., High- and low-virulent bovine Pasteurella multocida induced differential NLRP3 inflammasome activation and subsequent IL-1beta secretion. Vet Microbiol, 2020. 243: p. 108646.

  13. Ye, C., et al., Prevalence and Characterisation of Class 1 and 2 Integrons in Multi-drug Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Isolates from Pig Farms in Chongqing, China. J Vet Res, 2020. 64(3): p. 381-386.

  14. Ye, C., et al., The updated analysis of African swine fever virus genomes: Two novel genotypes are identified. Journal of Infection, 2020. 80(2): p. 232-254.

  15. Chen, T., et al., Genotypic characterization and antimicrobial resistance profile of Salmonella isolated from chicken, pork and the environment at abattoirs and supermarkets in Chongqing, China. BMC Vet Res, 2019. 15(1): p. 456.

  16. Fang, R., et al., Staphylococcal Enterotoxin C Is an Important Virulence Factor for Mastitis. Toxins, 2019. 11(3): p. 141.

  17. Fang, R., et al., NLRP3 inflammasome plays an important role in caspase-1 activation and IL-1β secretion in macrophages infected with Pasteurella multocida. Veterinary Microbiology, 2019. 231: p. 207-213.

  18. Fang, R., et al., ASC and NLRP3 maintain innate immune homeostasis in the airway through an inflammasome-independent mechanism. Mucosal Immunol, 2019. 12(5): p. 1092-1103.

  19. Feng, S., et al., Absent in melanoma 2 inflammasome is required for host defence against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Innate Immun, 2019. 25(7): p. 412-419.

  20. Huang, Q., et al., EvaGreen-based real-time PCR assay for sensitive detection of enzootic nasal tumor virus 2. Mol Cell Probes, 2019. 44: p. 51-56.

  21. Tang, Q., et al., Effects of astragalus injection on different stages of early hepatocarcinogenesis in a two-stage hepatocarcinogenesis model using rats. J Toxicol Pathol, 2019. 32(3): p. 155-164.

  22. Xue, Y., et al., Emerging Activators and Regulators of Inflammasomes and Pyroptosis. Trends Immunol, 2019. 40(11): p. 1035-1052.

  23. Ye, C., et al., First detection and genotypic analysis of goat enzootic nasal tumor virus 2 in Chongqing, China. Arch Virol, 2019. 164(6): p. 1647-1650.

  24. Zhang, T., et al., NLRP3/ASC/Caspase-1 axis and serine protease activity are involved in neutrophil IL-1beta processing during Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2019. 513(3): p. 675-680.

  25. Zhou, Z., et al., Critical roles of NLRP3 inflammasome in IL-1beta secretion induced by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis in vitro. Mol Immunol, 2019. 116: p. 11-17.

  26. Fang, R., et al., An Optimized Multilocus Variable-Number Tandem Repeat Analysis Typing Scheme for Listeria monocytogenes from Three Western Provinces in China. J Food Prot, 2018. 81(12): p. 1956-1962.

  27. Feng, S., et al., Syk and JNK signaling pathways are involved in inflammasome activation in macrophages infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2018. 507(1-4): p. 217-222.

  28. Fang, R., et al., Pneumolysin-Dependent Calpain Activation and Interleukin-1alpha Secretion in Macrophages Infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Infect Immun, 2017. 85(9).



2020年 西南大学兴明青年教师奖

2018-2019年度 西南大学优秀教育工作者


  1. 博士招生方向:预防兽医学

  2. 学术型硕士招生:兽医学

  3. 兽医专硕招生:兽医