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男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。2004年获西南农业大学微生物学硕士学位,从事兽医微生物及免疫学相关教学科研工作,2011年获西南大学微生物学博士学位,中国微生物学会会员。2014.4 -2015.4美国Kansas State University访学1年,主持及参加省部级项目15项,研究主要针对牛呼吸道细菌性病原,研究方向为牛呼吸道细菌性病原致病机理及宿主反应机制、疫苗和微生态制剂及诊断试剂的研制、呼吸道微生物群落与病原间的关系。在Front Cell Infect Microbiol.,Vet Microbiol.,J. Bacteriol.等杂志上发表论文30余篇,国家发明专利2项。社会服务方面,作为国家三区科技人才及重庆市科技特派员服务于重庆的肉牛及山羊疾病防控。


  1. HE, F., QIN, X., XU, N., LI, P., WU, X., DUAN, L., DU, Y., FANG, R., HARDWIDGE, P. R.,LI, N*. & PENG, Y*. Pasteurella multocida Pm0442 Affects Virulence Gene Expression and Targets TLR2 to Induce Inflammatory Responses. Front Microbiol. 2020;11:1972.

  2. LI, P., HE, F., WU, C., ZHAO, G., HARDWIDGE, P. R.,LI, N*. & PENG, Y*. (2020) Transcriptomic Analysis of Chicken Lungs Infected With Avian and Bovine Pasteurella multocida Serotype A.Front Vet Sci.2020;7:452.

  3. He, F., Yin, Z., Wu, C., Xia, Y., Wu, M., Li, P., Zhang, H., Yin, Y.,Li, N., Zhu, G., Ren, W., Peng, Y., 2019. l-Serine Lowers the Inflammatory Responses during Pasteurella multocida Infection. Infect Immun.2019;87(12).

  4. Wu, C., Qin, X., Li, P., Pan, T., Ren, W*.,Li, N*., Peng, Y*., 2017. Transcriptomic Analysis on Responses of Murine Lungs to Pasteurella multocida Infection. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2017;7:251.

  5. Li, N., Long, Q., Du, H., Zhang, J., Pan, T., Wu, C., Lei, G., Peng, Y., Hardwidge, P.R., 2016. High and low-virulent bovine Pasteurella multocida capsular type A isolates exhibit different virulence gene expression patterns in vitro and in vivo. Vet Microbiol. 2016;196:44-49.