系 所:动物药学系
职 称:讲师
电子邮箱: [email protected]
马文瑾,女,安徽蚌埠人,博士,中共党员,主要从事兽药相关教学和科研工作。参与国家重点研发计划课题2项,在J Environ Manage、Environ Res、Sci Total Environ、中国畜牧兽医杂志等国内外期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中,以第一作者发表SCI论文3篇,中文核心2篇。参编著作《欧盟肉类质量安全管理法规解读及企业对欧注册指南》。
2014.9–2018.6 安徽科技学院,农学学士
2018.9–2020.6 华中农业大学,农学硕士
2020.9–2024.6 华中农业大学,农学博士
2024.07至今 在问鼎娱乐下载-问鼎app
1、Ma W, Wang L, Xu X, Huo M, Zhou K, Mi K, Tian X, Cheng G, Huang L*. Fate and exposure risk of florfenicol, thiamphenicol and antibiotic resistance genes during composting of swine manure. Science of the total environment, 2022,839, 156243. (IF=9.8)
2、Ma W, Xu X, An B, Zhou K, Mi K, Huo M, Liu H, Wang H, Liu Z, Cheng G, Huang L*. Single and ternary competitive adsorption-desorption and degradation of amphenicol antibiotics in three agricultural soils. J Environ Manage. 2021 Jul 26;297: 113366. (IF=8.9)
3、Ma W, An B, Xu X, Huang L*. Ceftiofur in swine manure contributes to reducing pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes during composting. Environmental research,2024, 252(Pt 3), 119033. Advance online publication. (IF=8.3).
4、Xu X, Ma W, An B, Zhou K, Mi K, Huo M, Liu H, Wang H, Liu Z, Cheng G, Huang L*. Adsorption/desorption and degradation of doxycycline in three agricultural soils. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021 Aug 23;224:112675. (IF=7.1)
5、Xu X, Ma W, Zhou K, An B, Huo M, Lin X, Wang L, Wang H, Liu Z, Cheng G, Huang L. Effects of composting on the fate of doxycycline, microbial community, and antibiotic resistance genes in swine manure and broiler manure. Sci Total Environ. 2022 Aug 1;832:155039. (IF=9.8)
6、Huo M, Ma W, Zhou K, Xu X, Liu Z, Huang L. Migration and toxicity of toltrazuril and its main metabolites in the environment. Chemosphere. 2022;302:134888. (IF=8.9)
7、马文瑾,徐向月,毛倩,安博宇,霍美霞,王涵宇,陶燕飞,黄玲利*.土壤中氟苯尼考及氟苯尼考胺高效液相色谱检测方法的研究[J].中国兽药杂志, 2020, 54(08): 26-33.
8、马文瑾, 徐向月, 安博宇, 程古月, 黄玲利*.兽药环境风险评估研究进展[J].中国畜牧兽医, 2020, 47(05):1628-1636.